June 4, 2020 Minor Release

This release includes some minor functionality enhancements and bug fixes.


Exporting Lists now Includes Store Values

The inclusion of customer data fields on export is now fully supported. Navigate to the Contacts —> Contact Lists section, select the list you want to export, and click the the Export tab.

Select the data fields to export and click the blue arrow to move them over to the "Data to Export" list. The [#] next to the field name indicates how many contacts in the list possess that data field.


Deleting Channels

Deleting a channel will now permanently delete and deprovison the Channel from the underlying Message Network Operator (Twilio, Bandwidth, Ytel). Navigate to Home→Channels. Note that the "Tile" view is now obsolete — more statistics are presented for each channel in the list form. Filters operate on the Channel name or phone number.

WARNING It is impossible to "undo" deleting a channel — the channel is released from the Message Network Operator and will no longer be available. Previous conversations will remain intact, but no further messages to or from the deleted phone number will be processed by Prompt.io. Please make sure that only Admin users that understand this functionality have access to your Channel page.


Instant Apps

Agent Tools

New Macro Editor and Agent App

New Macro Instant App templates have been created. Full documentation on the functionality and use are provided here.

This should be backward compatible — previous package from the prior Macro/Resolutions apps should be available. However, you'll need to edit the macros post-upgrade to add the Resolution action.

Agent Status Actions

The Agent Status page now includes the ability to clear active chats, the inbox, or copy an inbox to another team member. We have provided some convenience actions on the Agent Status page to accommodate these requests.

Monitor - Search by Agents (Historical)

There is now functionality that allows you to search for all the conversations a Team Member has participated in (either messaged or whispered to another agent). We have exposed the ability to search for these conversations on a per-Team-Member basis in our Monitor section:

Start Conversations with Customers in Mexico

You will now find the ability to create conversations with phone numbers using the Mexico country code.

Agent Status Permission

A new permission controls whether a Team Member can see the Agent Status Tile in our Agent Tools. Previously this functionality was tied to the "Monitor" permission. This has been decoupled. Members with "Monitor" permissions before this upgrade will be granted Status permission. Members that lacked "Monitor" permission before the upgrade will not have Status permission.


New Channels Report

A new Analytics report centered around the traffic on each specific Channel is now available. This report specifies the Incoming/Outgoing messages you have had and it also breaks it down by Message Segments (the number of actual segments a message gets broken into when being transferred across the network of an SMS carrier).



Rate limiting messages on outgoing channel now takes into account how many segments are being sent for each message. Our platform will now adjust the throughput on the number of segments in a message so it doesn't overwhelm the Message Network Operator's ability to facilitate the messages. Large multi-segment (>160 character text messages) may now take longer to process.

Small adjustments were also made to accommodate message rate limiting for Canadian numbers.

Notable Bug Fixes