September 30, 2019 Major Release
Major Release
This is a major new release — several key areas of functionality have been upgraded, moved, and reorganized. New important functionality has been added.
For this release, we have added a new top level "key technology" for management and manipulation of your organization's contacts.
Clicking on this new tile reveals three options:
- Search [new functionality]
- Lists [formerly Contact Lists as previously found in Automation tab]
- Tag Manager [new functionality]
In this new functionality, you can easily and quickly search, sort, and inspect all customers that have interacted with Chatbox.
- The search criteria is additive — contacts must match all of the selection criteria. For instance, if you were to search for TAG = VIP and TAG = DONOR, only contacts that have both tags will match.
- Name search will match any customer with the search text in their name ("il" will match "Phil"). [Note — we may change this in the future to only match first characters of first or last name or support things like "Phil*" to find all Phis or "* Gordon" to find all customers with last name Gordon.]
- Phone search will match any customers with the given numbers appearing anywhere in their phone number. [Note — we may change this in the future to only match against area code].
- Channel search will match customers that have had active conversations on the specified channels.
- Tag search will match customers that possess the specified Tag.
- List search will match customers appearing on the specified List.
- Store search will match customers with a data-store key matching the specified value. The data must match exactly for this criteria.
- The "Perform Action" button will step you through a wizard for manipulating the selected list of contacts — sending a messaging, whispering to their customer record, updating their store, adding a tag, adding them to a list are all supported.
This functionality has been moved from the Automations tab. In addition, we've now introduced a new Customer Info pane to the right side bar. Click on any contact in a list to see and manipulate their tags, list membership, map membership, and data associated with their record.
Tag Manager
On the main screen, you can see and search through all tags.
Click on a tag and you'll be able to edit the tag text, color, and see all contacts associated with the contact. Note: to edit the color, you need to click the EDIT button in the upper right corner.
No significant changes.
Bulk Action Detail Pane
This pane now features the ability to click on a customer and see/manipulate their information (tags, lists, map membership, data).
Bulk Action Metrics Pane
We made some cosmetic improvements to the graphs and layout — adding a legend for various pie slices.
Google Calendar
For this release, we're pleased to have built a native, first-class integration with Google Calendar. This integration will enable Chatbox to read and write from your Google Calendars. Instant Apps access this functionality. Please see your sales engineer if you'd like to explore utilizing this integration.
Instant Apps
- Instant App Reports
Instant Apps can now create their own reports without the need for external integration
Click on Reports while building an Instant App. Select Elements for the report, a column title, and the associated value to write. Note that the "values" field supports Data Template replacement — element values should always be referenced as {elementName}. There are new actions available for writing an entry into the Instant App report:
- Update Report Entry
- Delete Report Entry
Call these events from an Instant App action or from JavaScript.
The resulting report can be found in the Analytics tab under the "Instant App Reporting" tile and can be filtered by timestamp.
- Google Calendar actions — new Actions are now available for customers that have instantiated the Google Calendar integration. Action including reading an event list, finding available time slots, and creating a calendar event. Please see your sales engineer if you'd like to exploring utilizing this functionality.
Agent Tools
There is a new "Customer Info" pane in Agent Tools. Click the (i) icon in the upper right corner of the right side bar to display. You can manipulate various characteristics for customers on this pane:
- Add and remove Tags
- Add and remove the customer from Lists
- Add and remove the customer from Maps (if the Google Maps integration is active)
- Modify data associated with the customer (if the agent has the appropriate rights and permissions to do so — this requires the "Developer Tools" permission to modify, otherwise data is displayed an uneditable text.)
There is also the ability to turn off the Whisper feature in Agent Tools.
To turn off navigate to Company Settings from the Hamburger menu in upper left. You will see the Whisper section under "Agent Tools Settings".
- There is a new tile for the Instant App analytics that shows the various records and data built with the new Instant App Reports tab.
Important Bug Fixes
Please note that the bug fixes below are for very technical power users and Chatbox administrators.
- Saving snippets for Named Callbacks has been fixed.
- JavaScript Snippet action for readRow() for Google Sheets will now post an error to the console if the key to search does not exist.
- Select Menus label now always updates and displays the selected option
- If you delete a channel, the history for that channel will now still appear in the Monitor.
- Contact lists exported from Chatbox are now exported in a format that can be immediately read and imported back into Chatbox.
- Instant App URL delivery to AT&T customers is now working
As always if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Customer Success ( or your Sales Engineer ( for help.