Onboarding and First Time Users

Welcome to Prompt.io. We're pleased to partner with you and your organization to provide high quality texting services. This guide will help you get started and explain how to use the platform to send a peer-to-peer text broadcast, manage replies, analyze associated metrics.

Securing a Twilio Account

Please secure a Twilio account prior to onboarding. Twilio will be used to send and receive texts, provision phone numbers for texting, send and receive texts, and to scrub your contact lists for non-mobile numbers.

Twilio - Communication APIs for SMS, Voice, Video and Authentication
Caters to customers' tastes at scale with email from Twilio SendGrid Latifah Lake, Product Marketing Manager Marcie Murray, Director Ecosystem Operations Chris McGrath, IT Program Manager Marks & Spencer Blue Apron Zendesk American Red Cross ING Dr. On-Demand Deliveroo CipherHealth Products Engage customers on any channel, any time. products-illustration Created with Sketch.

Please note that your Twilio account will be charged directly for services rendered by Twilio. Charges are typically:

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Invitation to Join

Your account manager will invite you to join Prompt.io. You will receive an email with a link to you click to join and log in for the first time. If you do not see an email, check your spam folder and allow emails from Prompt.io.

If you are joining from a browser directly, you need to enter the fully qualified URL of your organization, such as https:___<myorgsubdomain>___.prompt.io in order to log in.

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Integrating Twilio

You will need two authorization codes from your Twilio account, the Account SID and Auth Token. Copy and paste these numbers into Prompt.io. This authorizes Prompt.io to utilize your Twilio account.

After entering your Twilio credential, do not manually modify your Twilio account from the Twilio dashboard. Do not add or delete phone numbers. Prompt.io should be used exclusively to manage the phone numbers in your Twilio account.

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This home screen can be accessed by clicking the Prompt.io logo in the upper left corner of the page.

Recent Activity

A list of recent activity — broadcasts, contact lists, and other information will be available here.


The status of your team will be visible here. Team members that are online will have a green circle next to their name.


This is a real-time monitor of our system status. If there are performance issues with the system, you'll see information here. Note that you can click on the status page and subscribe to receive emails regarding Prompt.io status changes.

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Broadcasts are messages send to your contacts and lists via peer-to-peer texting. To facilitate a broadcast, you will need to upload a list of contacts, select outbound phone numbers for texting, compose a message, and then manually confirm/send each message. The Prompt.io Broadcast Wizard will step you through this process.

To get started from the home page, select Create Broadcast in the upper right corner of the screen.

Importing Contacts

Contacts need to be imported. This is done via a file of comma-separated-values, or CSV file, that can be exported from spreadsheet programs and systems.

Download the sample CSV and open the file in your spreadsheet program (i.e. Excel).

For convenience, here is the sample file:


Import File Format:

Do not use Tags to store data such as the voter ID.

Create a Sample CSV

Create a sample CSV for just you or a few members of your team so we can send our first test broadcast.

After filling in this spreadsheet and saving as a CSV file, drag and drop it into the broadcast wizard. Prompt.io will analyze the file, remove duplicates and errors, and offer the chance for you to give this import list a name and description:


Prompt.io can scrub your import for non-mobile numbers. We will utilize services in your Twilio account to look up the current carrier associated with the phone number. Any non-mobile numbers will be scrubbed from your account. We strongly recommend scrubbing lists. Twilio charges full freight for messages that are attempted to non-mobile numbers — you are better off paying $0.005 to scrub non-mobile numbers that you are attempted delivery at $0.01-$0.02 per message.

Note that a contact will only be looked up / scrubbed every six months — if you import a contact multiple times on seperate lists, don't worry about getting charged multiple times for looking up the same contact — we'll use the result of the previous lookup and won't use your Twilio account to redo the lookup.

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After selecting the Create Contacts button, the system will process your contacts. Note that this can take several minutes if you are importing a very large list of contacts. A progress bar will keep you in the loop as to how much more time remains.

After the creation of contacts is complete, you should inspect the contacts and ensure that the data fields and tags were imported correctly. Select "View Contacts" to see the list of imported contacts and their associated data.

Click on the three dots icon on a contact and select "Details" to inspect the data associated with the contact:

Once you're satisfied that the list has been imported correctly, select "Back to Select Audience" (upper left corner) and then "Continue to Channels" in the lower right corner.


Channels are phone numbers that we purchase on your Twilio account on your behalf that will be used to send and receive texts. Prompt.io will analyze your list and make a strong recommendation for the channels that should be purchased. This recommendation is based on Twilio rate limiting, the area codes available at Twilio, and the most common area codes in your contact list.

To proceed with the recommended purchase, select "Purchase phone numbers from Twilio."

Note that on some occasions, the area codes suggested will not be available. In these instances, the purchase will fail. We recommend that you then manually purchase phone numbers for outbound texts by utilizing Home→Channels→Purchase and searching for appropriate area codes. The wizard will allow you to "Select Existing Channels" instead of purchasing the recommended channels.

Typically, you will want to use one Twilio phone number for each 600 or so messages sent per day. Using less phone numbers will negatively affect deliverability. Using more phone numbers may positively affect deliverability.

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This is where you compose your outbound message.

Type your message here. Click a "field merge" field to add the required syntax to the message. For instance, in your first test message, you may wish to send:

Hello, {first}, this is {peerFirst} testing a broadcast. Thank you for being a {$.customer.Role} in {$.customer.City} -- we appreciate your support.

Supported field merge fields include:

A preview of your message is displayed as it will be sent and field merged with one of the contacts on your list.

Note the "segment" count. If special characters (like Emoji) are used, a segment drops from 160 characers to 70 characters. Note that Twilio charges $0.0075 per segment, so you will want to keep messages under 1-2 segments where possible. Prompt.io calculates the maximum length for field merge for each field — in some cases, field merge may result in a smaller character count/segment length than presented here.

Prompt.io will warn you if you attempt to use special characters that negatively affect segment length:

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Delivery Options

Broadcasts can be created in three different modes:


This is your last chance to review and modify the broadcast. Check over the broadcast carefully and then proceed by clicking the "Add to Queue" button. It may take several minutes for the messages to be processed depending on how large the list is.

After messages are processed, they are placed in the Send Queue — each message must be manually sent by a team member. To start processing messages in the Send Queue, click the "Go to Send Queue" button.

Note that Broadcasts all start "Paused" — no messages will actually be delivered until the broadcast has been resumed. Messages can be confirmed in the Send Queue, but to get messages flowing through Twilio and out to contacts, the Broadcast must be resumed.

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Conversations: Send Queue

The Send Queue contains broadcast messages that are waiting to be sent by your staff via peer-to-peer texting. Each message will be field merged and can be personalized before sending.

When on this screen, you can either press the return key to send the message or you can press the Send Message button.

Reminder: no messages will be delivered if the broadcast has been paused. Navigate to the broadcast and resume it to get messages flowing through Twilio to your contacts.

Multiple staff members can be sending messages from the send queue simultaneously. Occasionally, the same contact may be presented to multiple staff members — but rest assured that only one message will be actually sent to the contact. This small sacrifice allows the system to process contacts very rapidly.

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Broadcast stats are being aggregated and are available for your review. Navigate to Menu→Broadcasts. You will see a list of all broadcasts.

Hover your mouse of the little bar graph to see a breakdown of current delivery stats:

Resuming a Broadcast — Get Messages Flowing through Twilio

The three-dot menu to the right of each list entry allows you to resume a paused broadcast — this will get messages flowing — and other options.


Click the three-dot menu and select View Metrics.

Here you are presented with a "funnel view" of all the metrics associated with your broadcast. These metrics will refresh every 20-30 seconds.

Click on any contact to expand the right side bar for that contact, displaying their conversational history as well as information about the contact. The three-dot button at the top right of the side sheet will allow you to open the conversation in a new tab in order to reply or continue the conversation.

Exporting Metrics

Click the "Export metrics" button. A file will be generated and downloaded that contains all the information about the broadcast.

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Conversations: Inbox

When contacts reply to a broadcast, an entry will be created in the Inbox. The counter will increment and show the number of contacts waiting in the left sidebar menu.

Click Inbox to see a list of contacts that have replied to your broadcast.

Conversations: Chat

The active conversation will be highlighted. A full conversational transcript is displayed. You can reply to contacts in the chat-entry area at the bottom of the screen.

Text Mode

Use this mode to send a text to your contact.

Whisper Mode

Use this mode to put a note into the conversational history — other team members will see this comment, but no message will be sent to the contact.

Drag and Drop MMS

To send a file or image, simply drag and drop the file/photo onto the conversation history.

Schedule Text Mode

Use this mode to schedule a message to be sent at a time in the future.

Instant App Mode

If Instant Apps have been created in your org, this mode allows you to send micro-apps to contacts. In most cases this button will not be visible.

Closing the Conversation

To end a conversation in progress, click the "Close Conversation" button in the left sidebar for the contact.

Right Side Bar Options

The options in the upper right corner affect the functionality of the right side bar.

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Conversations: Macros

Macros are canned phrases or scripts that accelerate your ability to respond to contacts quickly and consistently.


To configure macros, navigate to Menu→Conversations→Macros. Configuration of macros is restricted to admins.


Macro Packages are collections of similar phrases. For instance, some organizations have a package for FAQs and another for Volunteer Information. Packages can be thought of as folders.

Creating a Macro

Create a package, and then click ADD NEW MACRO.

Give the macro a descriptive name that will easily indicate to Staff what this macro indicates. Common examples are:

Macro actions can then be configured. Actions are what will happen when the staff member selects the macro while in a conversation. Options include:

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Installing the Macros App

The first time you use Conversations, the Macros App should be installed.

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Using Macros

Sorting of macros is not yet supported. If you need your macros sorted in a particular order, please contact your account manager and a member of our team can help.

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Team Members

Team Members can be either an Admin or Staff. Admins can create broadcasts, see analytics, create macros, and also send messages from the queue and reply to conversations. Staff members are restricted to solely sending messages from the queue and replying to conversations.

To manage your team, click Menu→Admin→Team

A list of team members will be presented. Note that as an admin you are able to see stats about how many Active conversations and inbox items a member has as well as the time of their last log in. Team members that are actively logged in will display a green circle icon.

Adding a Team Member

Select the "Invite new team member" button in the upper right corner of the Team list page.

Enter email addresses for the team members. Each email address should appear on a separate line or be separated by a comma or space.

Select a role, either admin or Staff.

A welcome email with an invitation to log in will be sent to your new teammates. If your team member forgets a password or needs a new log in link, one can be sent by clicking the three-dot icon:

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Contacting Support

We are here for you and dedicated to your success. Please let us know how we can help. Support is available via:

When emailing support, please include:



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