July 30, 2020 Minor Release
This release includes some minor functionality enhancements and bug fixes.
- No Changes
- No Changes
Contact Action Segmentation by Store Value
The Contact List Action functionality now allows the Contacts to be filtered by Store Values. They are the dynamic attributes that can be uploaded or set for a particular Contact by the manager of the Contact List.

Instant Apps
- No Changes
Agent Tools
Custom Timezones
Each person that logs into the Prompt.io platform can now set which Timezone they want their account to operate in.

This Timezone setting will have an effect on the timestamps that show up in Agent Tools in the chat history:

The Timezone is also incorporated into Scheduling messages in Agent Tools:

Improved Agent View of Prompt Exchange (formerly Instant Apps)
When viewing the Apps that have been sent to customers, you will now default to the view that the customer is seeing (Active Pane) vs. seeing all of the Panes concatenated together. You can still toggle back and forth between these two views by using the ... in the upper right corner:

New Totals Row
A Totals row has been added to each report. This row sums the data for all of the columns that are visible in your filtered view.

Charts added to Contact Action Report
We have added Charts to the Contact Action Report so you can see the results in varying graphic representations.

New Default Time Ranges
There are now new (and we feel, more useful) default time range grouping on each Report:

- No changes
Notable Bug Fixes
- Issue with provisioning a ZipWhip number
- Issues with Login to Prompt.io
- Start/Stop bot sharing keywords with Keyword bot
- Can't edit invitation message when sending instant app